The Truth about The Real Ark of Noah
...the spiritual riches of life are grounded on Truth...
Exact Location of Ark: 39° 42' 33.07 N 44° 18' 1.26 E
"Then the ark rested in the seventh month, the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat." Genesis 8:4
Locating the Actual Pathway to Noah's Ark
Exploring Mount Ararat 2011
reposted by The Lost World Museum
Glacial Biblical Archaeology - Mt. Ararat Field Research Work (2011 - 2022)
Satellite Images from USGS and GE-DG confirm position of
The Real Ark of Noah
The Real Ark of Noah
fourteen years of field research work on Mt. Ararat
Camp Arev Presentation Oct. 19, 2023

ACOP Presentation April 23, 2023
Exact Location of Ark: 39° 42' 33.07 N 44° 18' 1.26 E
Historical Facts and The Truth about The Real Ark of Noah - Nov 2019
The Secret Hidden Under The Glacier Ice on Mt. Ararat

Prayer at The Holy Mountain of The Lord – Court of Heaven 2018
My Appearance in the Court of Heaven by Prayingmedic:
The Real Ark of Noah – 2018
Exact Location of The Real Ark of Noah
The Real Ark of Noah
at ~ 15,500 feet elevation on the NE face of MASIS
39° 42' 33.07 N 44° 18' 1.26 E
Toronto Presentation - Oct. 2015
North Face of Masis (Ahora Gorge) - Sept. 2016
Ark Zone for the years 2017 and 2018 at NE of Ararat
White Papers about Ark Research: The Exact Location of The Real Ark of Noah
ARPA Institute Presentation
by Varouj Amirkhanian
NOAH’S ARK: Exact Location on Ararat
Thursday, September 8, 2016 @ 7:30PM
In the Aram and Anahis D. Boolghoorjian Hall of the Merdinian School:
For information please contact Dr. Hagop Panossian at (818) 453-0618 or
13330 Riverside Dr. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Abstract: There is tremendous amount of historical accounts and scientific facts and evidence that points to the true resting location of the Biblical Ark of Noah. With extensive field research work for the past 7 years Ararat717 a non-profit organization in collaboration with BSM Research has been able to identify the exact location of The Real Ark of Noah near the summit of MASIS. 1) The re-discovery points to the location of the ship at the NE face of Mt. Ararat at 15,500 feet elevation resting on a rock ledge (imbricate fault) at the Exact GE Coordinates of: 39° 42' 33.07 N 44° 18' 1.26 E. 2) We have a clear line-of-sight (LOS ~ 700 meters) of the ship from the summit of MASIS. 3) And have been successful to take photos of the Starboard Side and Back Side of the ship for the years 2011 and 2015. Our goal is to physically access the fractured ship to determine the extent of damage and create full awareness about the most significant heritage of the world for historical and scientific reclamation and preservation.
Varoujan Amirkhanian: received B.A. in Physics and B.S. in Engineering. He is an entrepreneur, inventor and an Executive Officer with experience in biotechnology and medical device industry. Varoujan has extensive technical R&D and Operations background with over 30 years of experience with leading companies, such as Qiagen, Beckman Coulter, Pfizer Schneider Laser Division, Premier Lasers, and Baxter Healthcare as Lead R&D Engineer/Scientist designing and developing medical lasers, diagnostics devices and analytical instruments. He has published numerous technical papers and holds over 30 US & foreign patents. In 2000 Varoujan Co-Founded BioCal Technology Inc., later renamed eGene, Inc. a publicly traded company on NASDAQ, acquired in 2007 by Qiagen, Inc.. Varoujan was Director and EVP of R&D at eGene. He is a Director and Business Development Manager at BiOptic, Inc. a Taiwan-based Biotechnology Company. Varoujan is also Founder and President of the ARARAT717, a non-profit Organization (, involved with Noah’s Ark Research work, where he organizes Expeditions to Western Armenia surveying Mt. Ararat.